Monday, June 3, 2013

FaceBook Muffin Tin Chicken Pot Pie

OK  Next Recipe!  Maly wanted to try this one out, and as for me I'll try any new recipe as long as it's not onion heavy!  So With that She mentioned this one I posted on her Facebook page some time ago from "Appealing Meals With Amy"  Here I'll attach the Screen Shot! Click the pic to go to the actually page for the recipe!

So With this screen shot on my Ipad, and a call to Maly to make sure we had everything, I headed over to start the cooking adventure!  I say adventure because I never know what kinda traffic hic-up I might encounter!  Also, I usually stop at Sonic for a Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero.  I didn't this time, but I should of!

So Starting off this meal we gathered the Culprits in our cooking Experiment! See picture below, and ignore the Mr Coffee, usually it's the banana's that get the cameo, but unfortunately they were unavailable. Mr Coffee Gladly stepped in. 

So With everything Gathered, Maly thawed the Chicken in a small frying pan with some oil and seasonings, As for me I mixed up the Bisquick Mix!

As Instructed I put less than a tablespoon in each greased muffin cup to start with.

Then I mixed together the other ingredients (without the chicken since it was still cooking) I put a 1/4 cup in each muffin cup and when the chicken was done I plopped two or three cubes on top. I will say the Veggie mix wasn't enough for all the muffin cups so I just pulled out the frozen veggies (except onions, I was curious if it effected the taste) and added 1/4 cup to each muffin cup and sprinkled the salt, pepper, and garlic on them and added the chicken on top.

The Bottom 4 are sans onions.

So filling in the rest of the space with the Bisquick mix we were set to go!

The instructions said bake for 25-30, so we set the timer at 25 and then since they didn't look quite done, I got the bright idea and sprinkled cheese on top as an added touch and put them back in for the last 5 minutes. 

What we got was a rather yummy meal served with a Side Salad. The Next time we do this, It's going to be with ground beef and taco seasonings!  I'll let you know how that comes out!!